You can catch a cheater very easily without spending a lot of money. If you do not wish to spend any money at all you can easily set a trap for your significant other. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways such as stating that you will be out of town for a few days on a business trip, meeting with friends, or family. Notify your partner of your intentions that you will be out of town for a few days. Ask friends and neighborhood friends to watch for any suspicious behaviors such as not coming home at night, your partner is appearing to be leaving for a few days, or to watch for any unexpected guests to arrive at your home or the residence of your significant other. If you friends notify you of your partners guest you can arrive home early and catch them in the act. You can also arrive home early from your trip or perhaps not go at all citing last minute cancellations and monitor the body language of your significant other if you are unable to catch them in the act.
Another Method to catching your significant other is to have one of your friends or acquaintances unknown to your partner call his cell phone or make suggestive passes at your significant other. Where they open to the process of meeting? Was your name or the fact that they were in a committed relationship even brought up in the topic of conversation? Surf The Internet and run through popular social networking sites and internet dating sites looking for your partner. Do they have a profile on these sites that you were unaware of? If you are lucky enough to find a profile on one of these sites belonging to your significant other answer the ad, suggest that the two of you meet using an alias of course. Answer the profile ad and attempt to schedule a date, private meeting, or even suggest that you are open to a fling. Contact your partner with a phone call or text message before their time of arrival to "see what they are doing". When they lie about what they are doing, this is your cue to be obnoxious and have fun with the situation. If they are willing victims to your set up show up at the scheduled place where they expected to meet your alias. Bring a bunch of cameramen posing as The Cheaters Crew, confront your significant other in a socially inappropriate way to embarrass them, or just sit down with them and pretend you just bumped into them and after about fifteen minutes or so drop the name of your alias and watch them squirm. If you want to spend money to appease your instincts of being involved with a cheater there are a variety of ways that you can entice your partner to confess their indiscretions. One method of catching a partner in the act is to purchase a Keylogger software that gives you access to passwords, e-mails, screenshots, instant messaging content, and key word searches. Many of these software programs are undetectable and can give a wealth of information on your partner's computer habits. It is pretty hard for your significant other to argue with evidence that you have the ability to place right in front of them. One thing that you will love about these programs is that they tell no lies unlike a cheating partner. Many will argue over the ethics of snooping and invasion of privacy concerns of your partner but others value the knowledge of just knowing what is happening in their relationship. Along the same lines there are mobile uploads that you can purchase to spy on your partners cellphone habits, text messages, and other information installed on the cell phone of a suspected cheater. Some other methods that you may attempt is press redial on your partner's cell phone and see who answers. Is Microsoft Office open on their computer? Look at the paste button is it active? If it is click it and see what secrets it possesses. Many individuals attempt to use the copy and paste method into e-mails when writing letters to actually saving a file in a Word Document. Does your partner keep a journal? This is a quick way to validate your suspicions if they keep writing admissions of their rendezvous with their other partners. Another way to catch a cheater is place a GPS Device on their car and attach it to the car in an area they will not find it. Monitor the driving habits of your significant other for a week or so and you can get a pretty could indication of where there car is parked for long periods of time or an approximate area of where your partner is spending their free time. If an approximate address is not confirmed you can certainly ascertain whether or not there are many more miles on the trip from home to work than there should be. Others are finding that lie detectors are suddenly affordable and are now being implemented in many relationships. Set your partner up with an expert lie detector administrator and give them a few questions on your concerns with the relationship. Watch closely as your partner and you watch the squiggly lines dance on the piece of paper like a seismograph located at The San Andréa's Fault. I cannot imagine a cheating partner agreeing to this but the option is out there. If you have a lot of extra money and just want to know without any benefit of the doubt you can always hire a private detective to follow your significant other. This method often provides lucrative returns in knowing for sure what is going on, and providing much needed proof should you see your partner in divorce court. A word of caution for those who attempt to use any of these methods. The fact that you feel the need to go looking for evidence or attempt to catch your partner in the act of cheating points to the conclusion that trust is already broken and that the relationship you have with your significant other is in serious trouble. Once you begin snooping you will often drive yourself insane looking for access to all areas of your partners life to validate your suspicions. In saying that, once a person has that intuitive feeling that something is wrong and begins looking for evidence of infidelity, begins digging into areas of their significant others life, they will undoubtedly find evidence if it is there to find. It is when we trust our partners completely that we are often oblivious to the signs of cheating. Once a partner is suspicious and is able to view the relationship objectively, they no longer miss signals that were not noticeable when they completely trusted their significant other. Very few people are willing to confess their infidelity unless confronted with absolute proof. If you are unable to provide substantial evidence of your suspicions of cheating besides your intuition, you may have to go looking for the evidence in a manner that is considered rudimentary in nature. In the end, it is just better knowing for sure than sitting in a relationship feeling like a an emotional lapdog for a person who does not give your thoughts or feelings much consideration. |
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