Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Signs of a Cheater

It is important that you become familiar with these signs that are listed below if you suspect that your partner is cheating. Initially people are often not in tuned to their partner's behaviors but once you suspect something is taking place between your partner and someone else it is often easy to pick up on things that you should have been concerned about. Initially there is very little to be concerned about because you had full trust of your partner. Once your suspicions become aware and activated many of these signs begin to jump out at you roaring like a tornado siren after a sighting of a funnel cloud.

You sense something is wrong in the relationship and suspect cheating.

You begin to catch them in lies

Wanting to be social with others without you

Partner returns from work and needs to take an immediate shower

Friends, coworkers, and family of spouse/partner seem uncomfortable around you

Your partner is very concerned about your whereabouts, where you will be, and for how long

Car seat in unusual position

Forgetting or not wearing wedding bands

Very concerned about their privacy suddenly

Encouraging you to take a vacation or visit out of town relatives

Partner accidently calls you by another name

Defensive when questioned about their day or where they have been

Unusual behaviors and mood swings that do not make any sense

You notice someone's name becoming more frequently dropped than in the past, both positively and negatively.

New change in music, art, and suddenly finds a hobby that did not interest them before

You feel as if your partner is avoiding you

Partner discusses hypothetical questions that involve separation, break ups, or divorce.

Partner is overly sensitive towards your criticism, comments, and opinions

You learn you have an STD and you have been monogamous to the relationship

Your friends inquire about your partner's faithfulness

Secretive about bills such as credit cards, phone bills, or other miscellaneous bills

Increase in the use of computer, cell phones, texting, etc. especially when you go to bed or are out of the room

Partner ends phone calls, closes internet browsers, is seen/heard whispering into the phone or does not pay attention to text messages when you enter the room

Secretive talking on the phone or goes into another room to take a call

Unusual habits on the computer or cell phone such as deleting e-mails/text messages daily

You are receiving hang up calls to your home

Text messages or phone messages from unknown numbers

Partner seems uncomfortable being close to you or a forced expectation

Partner has scratches, bruises, and marks on body with poor explanations for how they got there

Starts buying you gifts and become more attentive towards you

New lingerie that you have never seen

They suddenly need "space" or like being alone

Unusual or new sex habits or less sex in relationship

Wanting to read or learn how to be better in bed

Spouse/partner stops confiding in you

Suddenly you are being accused of cheating for no reason

Find intimate clothing, lingerie, or sexy gifts that do not belong to you

Emotional connection between you and partner been dwindling or rapidly decreasing

Partner develops a sudden change in personality traits

Partner rarely tells you they love you anymore

Partner has an overnight kit of clothes, toothbrush, and personal items in their car

You find different colored hairs than your own in clothes, car, home, etc.

A spouse that usually did not want to assist in the laundry suddenly wanting to complete their own laundry

Evidence left on clothes such as hair, lipstick, bodily fluids, perfumes, colognes, etc.

Positive comments, feedback, and compliments have ceased in your relationship

Partner begins to be concerned about their appearance. Often joins a gym, begins working out, or buys new clothes.

Partner feels guilty, bad, or ashamed when you do something nice for them

Cancelling of scheduled evening plans for the two of you are becoming routine

Fights and arguments erupt more quickly and partner begins to leave the home when frustrated

Partner begins to use new catch phrases or slang terms around the home

Leaves the home excited and returns home appearing depressed

Partner does not seem concerned with what is taking place at home

Spending less time with you and/or family

Partner does not want to do anything with you anymore, attend family events, or participate in family matters

Partner finds excuses to run errands or attempts to sneak out of the house. These errands take much longer than they should

Not feeling hungry at dinner time with family (already had dinner with someone else)

Unusual or changes in spending habits, unusual receipts from places you have never been, even financial trouble

Unusual charges to credit cards or ATM withdrawals

An increase in business trips, overtime, and required work expectations requiring them to be away more often

Regular work hours are suddenly changing

These are not automatic signs of cheating but this is just a list of common cheating signs. Use common sense when addressing cheating with a suspected cheater. A car seat in the wrong position does not equate to cheating but if you find condom wrappers while you are on the pill or had a vasectomy it is pretty clear what is happening. You can shrug a few of the signs in isolation as coincidence but if you notice several of these signs regarding your partner perhaps you need to keep a more watchful eye on your partner or take other necessary steps to find out for sure what is happening should you require absolute proof.

Photo courtesy of


1 comment:

  1. I suspected my wife of cheating on me but I never had any proof. This went on for months, I didn't know what to do. i was so paranoid and decided to find a solution, i saw a recommendation about a private investigator and decided to contact him. I explained the situation about my wife to him and he said he was going to help me.I gave him all the informations he required and afterwards i received all my wife’s phones Text messages and calls, I was hurt when i saw a picture of my wife and her lover. I feel so bad about infidelity. but i am glad Mr james was able to help me get all this information, you can contact him via email(
